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Endosa Estudio De Vivienda

housing study


Many things can happen in 5 years... that an infant enters school or that there is a change of government. But do you know what hasn't happened in the last 5 years? May Puerto Rico achieve a just recovery after Hurricanes Irma and María. That is why this year, we recognize the 5th anniversary of Hurricane Maria; the most devastating hurricane that has impacted our archipelago. It wreaked havoc on our homes, infrastructure, agriculture, physical and mental health. The political disaster that followed resulted in the deaths of more than 4,000 people.


Still a surprising number of our houses have blue awnings instead of roofs, are in a state of vulnerability and/or are uninhabited by families who did not have the means to repair them. From our community work, we heard over and over again how people requested aid from government entities and were denied or insufficient. For this reason, we gave ourselves the task of making these experiences visible with validated data, carrying out a "Community Housing Study in Loíza". This study reflects the unfair and unsustainable realities in which people and families live within 7 communities in the municipality of Loíza. This, due to the deficiency and political neglect of our marginalized sectors.


Since the impact of these atmospheric phenomena, we have helped in the survival, resilience and recovery of the Loíza communities. Unlike the State, 5 years after María, our work has continued with the same or greater force to fight for fair recovery, decent housing, mitigation, and climate justice in our country. For this reason, together with the start of the new hurricane season, we begin our campaign for the 5th anniversary of María, “Prepare, organize, demand”. We reject the idea that preparation is an individual matter and we affirm that it is a collective duty. 

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significant findings

  1. Government lack of protection and discriminatory patterns from before, during and after hurricanes Irma and María. 

  2. Multiple crises of access to decent housing and other basic services, which are being neglected by the government of Puerto Rico and the United States. 

  3. The needs and priorities of each community are particular due to environmental risks and social vulnerability. 

  4. Irregularities in the identification of environmental and housing risks by the government of Puerto Rico and the United States. 

  5. Low compliance in the implementation of disaster assistance programs and other government programs assigned to the recovery process of Puerto Rico. 




  • Step 1:Establish uniformity in the application and acceptance process, with special emphasis on the modification in the language referring to the ownership of the eligibility criteria for government programs, which includes;  

    • Department of Housing Blue Roof Repair Program;

    • Program and the Blue Toldos Program of the ODSEC;  

Municipal Certification is a real option in modifying the language regarding ownership.     

  • Step 2: Decree priority to the auction process carried out by the General Services Administration and other government entities.   

    • It is mandatory and urgent. 

  • Step 3: Supervise the human and fiscal resources to accompany the affected people with the interest groups, which includes funds from the American Rescue Plan and CDBG-DR funds. 

  • Step 4: Reinforce accountability mechanisms through the generation of local spaces and with interest groups, which includes the management of citizen complaints that ensure quality standards.   

  • step 5: Carry out educational campaigns with face-to-face activities on the requirements, necessary documents and support in the application process in low- and moderate-income communities. 


The postal and physical address is an essential tool for the fulfillment of human rights. 


  • Unify the address data system at the federal, state and municipal levels, including government agencies.

  • Establish an amnesty that allows the formalization of essential services. 

  • Supervise the 50 million assigned to the Planning Board, for this purpose. 

  • Assign government resources to ensure the establishment of mailboxes.

  • Support the management of land segregation of the communities. 

  • Promote mechanisms that facilitate ownership.

  • Unify the information collection system on this subject through the Geo-frame initiative of the Dept. of Housing.      


Goal #11 of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development of the United Nations Organization (UN) is to create sustainable cities and communities. To achieve inclusive, safe and sustainable cities and communities it is necessary to:

  • decent housing

  • Transport

  • Public green areas

  • Planning

  • Urban management in a participatory and inclusive manner


  • Design government programs to repair homes in vulnerable conditions, which should include windows, doors, sunken floors, and water leaks. 

  • Establish citizen participation mechanisms for the selection of mitigation proposals. Among them are promoting education and knowledge of risks, the exploration of common solutions, and that people have access to fair processes that respect their rights to promote a dignified life.

  • Promote access to basic services, such as water and electricity. The United Nations Organization (UN).  


Data collection, analysis, and measures resulting from recovery processes are capable of identifying the populations most affected by emergencies. By having reliable information, we guarantee the development of equitable and fair measures to reduce the gaps in access.

The gender approach is essential, since women have a greater social burden. During weather emergencies, inequality increases and women suffer twice the burden. The roles of care, family care, and even the educational continuity of childhood fall on them.



  • Carry out data collection segregated by gender and establish a public and updated information system, which includes socioeconomic characteristics.

  • Incorporate women into the priority groups of the recovery and mitigation process from OE-2021-13 and OE-2020-78. The following programs are emphasized:

  • Repair, Reconstruction and Relocation Program (R3),

  • Title Clearance Program, Rental Subsidy Program,

  • Small Business Financing Program (SBF),

  • Labor Training Program and the

  • City Revitalization Program.

  • Encourage women's participation in decision-making and economic development processes, which includes the effective implementation of the Women Business Enterprise.


Create environmental public policies anchored in the expressed needs of our communities.


  • Rehabilitate uninhabited homes so that people in need of housing from the communities and/or towns themselves can live in them. This reduces the need for new developments that create adverse environmental impacts, overburden existing infrastructure, or require costly new infrastructure construction.

  • In the risky and dangerous spaces from which people voluntarily decide to move, they are protected in perpetuity to allow nature to express itself freely and/or that they are spaces for the passive enjoyment and decided by the communities.

Community Protection Guide


TheCommunity Protection GuideIt is a model to deal with emergency situations with a community perspective organized in three phases: Before, During and After. This guide assists in preparing for hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and other emergencies that may occur.


It is an alternative to the mismanagement of emergencies by the State.

The Protection Guide is a model that seeks to serve as a tool to promote prevention, participation, community organization and just recovery.

Mutual support saves lives... get ready

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